Well some of you may be aware of the recipe box revolution. I am here to explain it in more detail after doing my fair share of homework on the subject.
Being someone who works full time and commutes long hours both myself and my husband dreaded the weekly or daily supermarket trip. Wandering around the aisles looking for inspiration and throwing all sorts of expensive delights into our trolley with no real idea what we were going to use them for. Our weekly shop regularly totalled around £140 and I would estimate we threw approximately £40 away with food that had gone off particularly fruit and veg. Often instead of cooking we would opt for the takeaway or the chippy after a long week.
It was through an advert that I discovered organic fruit and veg boxes. These were designed and packed based upon the number of people in your house and delivered to your door. There was no need to even be in the house. Intrigued I started to order, not only did I start to use veg and fruit I had never considered there was so much less waste and it was ½ the price of the supermarket.
I then went on and moved abroad to Thailand where you could get great quality healthy fresh food for a fraction of the price than the UK. I was spoiled for choice with the variety of fruit and veg and fresh cooked food. Upon my return to the UK I was determined I wasn’t going back to ready meals unhealthy takeaways and the dreaded weekly shop.
It was through an online search I discovered Hello Fresh. A company doing recipe boxed designed around your lifestyle and the number of people. I couldn’t wait to give them a try they were prepacked with everything you needed measured out for 5 meals a week for 2 people. It sounded too good to be true………….
Well I was not disappointed my first box came and I was blown away by the quality of the ingredients and the ease of the recipes. The only things you need in your house are salt, pepper and olive oil. The meat and fish are sourced from the finest butchers and fishmongers. The veg and other ingredients are all designed to be as healthy and as balanced as possible. The recipes are fantastic and make mealtimes a real joy and vary each day what you eat.
I no longer have the dreaded visit to the supermarket wandering around the shopping aisles not knowing what I am buying. I do not throw ANY food away so my money is well spent and I recycle all of my packaging.
I do not know if the recipes are designed around a diet plan but on my first week of hello fresh I also lost 3 pounds which made my purchase even more pleasurable. I have cut my food shopping down by half and I can recommend to anyone the recipe box revolution.
For those of you that lead busy lives, waste money throwing stuff out and simply don’t have the inspiration hello fresh is a must.
For £20 off your first box please enter the promo code V3SSGS at the checkout.
There are no subscriptions and you can cancel anytime by logging into your account.
I promise it will not disappoint.
Samantha Battison-Smith
The post Hello Fresh????? A recipe box what do you mean????????? appeared first on Urbanista UK.